Sunday, April 21, 2013

37 Weeks and Doppleganger?

I'm 37 weeks old now.  What am I doing in here?  Well, Mommy had to do something in the kitchen so she put me in the basket.  I wanted her to hold me and I was yelling when she put me down and left me earlier, so this is the compromise.  I don't mind this at all.

 One day Daddy was playing hairdresser.  I'm pretty happy with the look.  What do you think?

 I've been alternating between being a big boy and play being a baby.  Guess which I am in this picture?


I even go so far as to speak in baby talk where Mommy doesn't understand me.

Soon after this role playing, I'm pretending to be a teacher.

 See the pictures, Daddy?  I'm reading you the story and showing them to you.  I'm glad you're such a good listener.

 Later that night, back to being a baby.  Daddy was singing me a lullaby and holding me like a baby.

Back to me...Grandma got me ready to go to the park!  We've been going since it's been warm.  Thanks, Grandma!

You got to go to the park, I got to eat ice cream, so there!
 On Saturday we went to two birthday parties.  Here I am with Elise and Auntie Mia at Aidan's birthday party.  We just met, but everyone said me and Elise look alike...hence the doppleganger comment.  She's exactly one week younger than me.  This isn't a great picture of us, since neither of us are looking at the camera and Elise wasn't too happy, but I guess I see some similarities.

I got to play chase with Alex and Eva.

 Well really, I was chasing Daddy because he had a strawberry in his hand.  Then the other kids started chasing too.

Auntie Mia said I am more social than Elise.  Here I am playing peek-a-boo around the plant with Elise's daddy.

After that party, we went to Auntie Tara's 7th birthday.  We didn't have any pictures of Elliot playing, but here's one of me with a borrowed headband.  Cute huh?

It was a fun and relaxing week.  Until next time!


  1. What a weekend! 2 birthday parties outdoors in 80 degree weather! Julia you are playing like Elliot with the head-tilting! We'll have to compare pictures soon. Elliot you are getting good with role-playing and such a good imagination!

  2. You two certainly are keeping your parents busy!! When you get down here for some more Disneyland, it'll probably be 90+, so prepare for more hot weather!

    Julia you are just getting cuter and cuter everyday!
