Mommy had spring break last week, which means, fun for us! Here I am on top of a dinosaur at the Magic Mountain park by Curiodyssey.

It was my first time going there and near the end of our time there, we got to play here! It was so much fun!

I had some fun too!
The week before, Mommy had to take the day off to watch me, since Grandma had to drive Grandpa somewhere. Since it was a bit wet out, Mommy took me to the mall. I liked it there.
Mommy knew that Daddy would be missing us so she took this picture of us and sent it to him.

Some times when we're at home, we get bored. Why not sit in colanders, then? I copied Julia here.
I think we're ready to go to Disneyland again. Julia took my hat and put it on, so I took hers. Let's go, Mommy!

Uncle Jon funny came to visit, so here's our picture together. We always have a great time with him.
Late last month, we went to see Uncle Mike and the Blue Angels again. I didn't get a nap that day, so here I am on the way back to the hotel. Mommy loves this picture because it shows how exhausted I was, even though I didn't want to nap.

I didn't nap either, but I sure was having a lot of fun looking at the planes! Here I am with Auntie Nat. Look at the plane!!
Mommy's turn to carry me.

Alyssa and I had fun watching the planes too.

In the middle of last month, we went to a new (to us) park in San Mateo. It was fun to play with other people's sand toys.
We even met up with Alex and Aidan! How neat is this picture!?!
We hope you enjoyed our last month in reverse order! See you again soon!
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