There's really no point with the paper, Mommy.
Before we go into full birthday mode, last weekend, we went to cousin Drew's birthday party. There was a cool playground that I got to play in.
Check out this slide I went on with Daddy. We had to sit on pieces of cardboard to go down this concrete slide.

We went to Happy Hollow again and this time I got to ride on this ladybug ride.
We also got to ride on the carousel too!

At the park by our house, I wanted Mommy to carry me. Since I'm so big now, she said it was easier for her to carry me on her back.
How do you like my style?

I am getting into everything.
Birthday time! Here I am with cousin Joshua and Auntie Colleen in our jumpy house. They came all the way from LA to come to the party. Thank you!! This is the first time I was in it and I wasn't quite sure what to do.
I guess it's a big deal to turn one year old. Look at all those yummy cupcakes Mommy made. Look at all the people who came to celebrate. Thanks everyone!
Sorry you couldn't eat the cupcakes, Julia. They were lemon flavored and yummy.
That's alright, Elliot. I'll just play with this toy and Joshua will eat our book.
Meagan really wanted to play with me even though I didn't know how. Next time, Meagan!
The next day (the 4th) is my actual birthday, so I got to meet up with some family again for breakfast.
Turning one year old is very tiring.
Here's a picture of me and Mommy.
Some times when I'm tired, I get kooky, just like Mommy.
Mommy likes my funny face here.
And my smile here.
I like looking at books.
Later that night we went to dinner and I got to eat a corn dog. Yum!
Geez, Mommy. Again?
Mommy said she had to get one with her baby girl...that's me!
Here's one with the four of us. Again, this is the best picture as it's hard to keep all of us still for a good shot.
Here's one of me and my grandparents.
And another of us.
Mommy!!! I'm too close to the flame!
Grandma and I were hungry and we wanted to eat the cake first.
Grandma, you're so silly!!!

While Elliot was otherwise engaged, I finally got to play with my new toy from Auntie Nat! Normally, Elliot takes it away from me.
Here I am dancing to the music coming from her toy.
One final birthday picture of me.
We hope you enjoyed our weekly posts this past year. Can you believe it's been a year! What a ride! We will resume our posts, but on a less frequent basis, to give Mommy a break. And just in time too, because Mommy is returning to work next week. Bummer. We'll miss going to all the fun places. Please visit us periodically. We will try to do it at least once a month, if not twice.
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