Happy New Year everybody! It was a very busy week. Get ready for a load of pictures!
On New Year's Eve, my parents took us to Curiodyssey. I've been asking to go for a while now, so we went. Yay! I had a blast with the sea otters. They made me laugh a lot.
We drove down to LA on Daddy's birthday (Happy Birthday, Daddy!) so we could go to a wedding. On the way down, we stopped by McDonald's.

Even though I didn't get to eat anything from there, I'm still happy.
It was a tiring trip. It took us about 10.5 hrs to get to Santa Ana.

Here we are with Uncle Sack. He's one of Mommy's friends from when she was still in college. They haven't seen each other in several years, so it was nice for them to see each other and for us to meet him.

Here we are on the hotel bed.
The next day we met up with Auntie Naomi and Uncle Jon funny at Carsland!
I'm so tired that I'm sucking on the buckle of Mommy's purse strap.
We got to ride this tractor ride where it swings us around. Well, Daddy and I did anyway. Mommy was with Julia.
Hi Lightning McQueen!!!!
Yay! Another picture with Mickey. This time he's wearing different clothes and the background is different too!
While we were in line for It's a Small World, we got to watch a parade.
What are you showing me, Auntie Naomi??
We don't have many pictures of the next day we went to Disneyland, but here I am driving the car again.
Man, Elliot is having soo much fun. I get stuck doing tummy time. What's that all about?
If only I could figure out how to roll over....
Here's my 5 month old picture! Happy monthday to me! Mommy says I'm looking really long in this picture.

The main reason we went down to LA was for Uncle Brian and Auntie Mary's wedding. I'm supposed to be the ring bearer. Here I am practicing going down the aisle. This is exactly how Mommy imagined me going...sideways, making faces, etc.
Uncle Brian thought it might be better if we all walked together.

The morning of the wedding, we went to meet my new cousin Baby Joshua. Here we are with Uncle Eric.
I'm happy to be in his arms. He tells Mommy he's super tired because it's a lot of work dealing with a newborn. Uncle Eric, we're ALL worth it though. :)
Great Auntie Susanna is a grandma now! Congratulations to her and Uncle Jon, and Auntie Colleen, of course!
Congratulations to Great Uncle Richard too for becoming a grandpa!
The day has arrived and don't I look smashing in my tuxedo?

I think I'm pretty stylin'.
More posing.

Look at our beautiful family. Too bad I couldn't stay still long enough to get a good shot.
Look how pretty in pink I am with Great Auntie Susanna and Great Uncle Zadig. They're siblings.

I got to take a picture with Great Auntie Leona, the mother of the groom, and Great Auntie Anna who came all the way from Hong Kong for the wedding. There were a lot of family members for me to meet.
Grandpa and I are so handsome.
So, you might wonder, did I actually walk down the aisle? Uh, nope. I refused at the last minute. Sorry Uncle Brian and Auntie Mary!!!
On another note, here I am with Uncle James and Auntie Allison.
And another picture with both Uncle James and Uncle Charles. They're twins!
Look at my handsome uncles carrying me. I'm so lucky!

Great Auntie Susanna couldn't get enough of me.
Yeah yeah, I know I'm eating my pizza backwards. I'm just cool that way.
I was pretty cranky that day since I didn't nap much (which could explain why I didn't walk down the aisle). But once Daddy started playing with me, I got my second wind.
This is the first time I met Uncle Tim. He's Auntie Naomi's big brother. There's Uncle Warren in the background.
I like Auntie Naomi. She's fun!
Here's another picture of us. Again, I couldn't stay still long enough to get a good picture. Oh well.
Here we are with our grandparents. Great Uncle Allen was making me laugh.
I enjoyed dancing with Grandma.

Mommy had to carry me most of the night. Here I am with the great aunties again.
She even carried me when she was dancing with Daddy!

Speaking of dancing, check out my moves!
Here's a picture with some of Mommy's cousins.

And one large family shot. Not everyone is in this picture though. Congratulations Uncle Brian and Auntie Mary!
The next day, Uncle Michael came by to say bye. Here are the three of us.
The drive home was much better at 8.5 hrs, though Julia had a rough time the last hour of it. It was such a tiring week that we both napped for about 2 hrs, which helped my parents get a bit further without having to stop in between. We hope you enjoyed all the pictures. Sorry the post is late. We're looking forward to a slow week to recover.
Wow we said good bye to 2012 and welcomed 2013 with great fun, adventure, and lots of family love! Elliot I can't get over how handsome you look in your little tux! And you are becoming quite the loving and attentive big brother! And Julia, you are so cute you almost stole all the attention that wedding weekend!