I had my 4 month check up this past week. I now weigh 14 lbs 5 oz (60th percentile), am 25.25" long (75th percentile) and my head circumference is 42cm (75th percentile). Apparently, the percentiles I've been reporting are from the CDC graphs (more relevant for children over age 2 yrs) which is not the same as the graphs my doctor uses (WHO graphs--more relevant to children under 2 yrs). If I use those numbers, then the percentiles are different. 49th for weight, 75th for height, and 80th for head. Great, does that mean I have to report both percentiles now? Either way, my parents are happy that I'm doing so well. I guess that means I'm not really that big of a girl after all.
Great Uncle Zadig was in town for business, but really, he just wanted to meet ME!
Mommy was tickling me in the car seat while we were at the restaurant.

This is my car transporter from last week. You can't really see, but Percy the train is one of the vehicles that is being transported.

Mommy took us to the mall to take pictures with the decorations. I'm stylin!
She also wanted one of the two of us. It's hard for me to hold her and look at Mommy and smile at the same time.
Funny picture, huh.
We went to Alex's birthday party this weekend and here I am with Auntie Monnette.
Isn't Alex's cake cool? Auntie Monnette made it for him.
I'm helping Alex blow out the last candle.
Another week in the books. Mommy tells me she has one more week of work left, and then she gets to spend 2 weeks with both Elliot and me. Yay!
Yay the holiday season is here! I just love seeing the lights and sounds and seeing Elliot's eyes light up. Soon enough we get to watch BOTH of you light up. Such a fun time!