Here I am with Great Auntie Lin. She rushed over from her house just so she could meet me and see Elliot.
That evening, we had dinner with Great Uncle Jeffrey, Auntie Annie, Uncle Jeffrey and Uncle William (not pictured). Great Auntie Annie was enamored with me. She carried me a lot that night.
The next morning, I took a picture with Great Uncle Paul. He didn't get a chance to meet me at my red egg party because he was out of town. We stayed at his house during this trip.
I own this place too! I'm enjoying a breakfast bun and watching some TV. Nothing like being on vacation.
We went to visit Daddy's family too. Here's Great Uncle James holding me.
I didn't want to do something that my parents asked me to do. They can't remember what it was either, so here's a picture of me looking serious.
Auntie Amelia and Drew were there too, so we took a bigger family picture.
Uncle Calvin knows how to play, so I was helping him out.
I was getting a bit sleepy but here's Grandpa and me!
Jumping onto Uncle Jon (funny) is a lot of fun!
He makes the greatest funny faces!
We went to Disneyland the day after Thanksgiving! YAY! Here I am in Toon Town driving cars!
Check me out!
These vegetables in Mickey's house move up and down. I'm so entranced by this.
HI MICKEY!!! Apparently I just walked up to him and held his hand. I wasn't scared at all. Mommy is sad she missed seeing this. She was outside nursing Julia.
Here we are with Uncle Calvin (best Disney tour guide ever!) and Auntie Nathalie.
Ooh...more driving.
We also rode on a train.
I went to Disneyland too! But you can't see me. Mommy was carrying me and I think I was asleep most of the time.
I was so preoccupied with what was happening around me that I couldn't even stay focused enough to take a picture with Mommy.
Uncle Eric, Uncle Jon, and Auntie Colleen joined us too. It was soo much fun! Uncle Eric is holding me now. Apparently, that was the theme for this trip. He wanted to get as much practice in before his baby boy comes.
Look what I'm doing! Mommy LOVES the look on my face. That's what I look like when I'm having a lot of fun with a new experience.

One of the many things my uncles did was swing me in the air. That's always a lot of fun.
Like I said, I was asleep for most of the trip to Disneyland. Look how cute I am sleeping!
As I mentioned before, it was a theme for me. All of my uncles wanted to carry me in the baby carrier. Here I am with Uncle Jon. He was SOO happy! He's getting ready to be an uncle so he wanted practice.
Now a picture with Uncle Calvin holding me.
I like wearing Daddy's sunglasses. I look too cool.
I got to drive a real car! Look at me, Mommy!
When I am awake, I like to smile.
Look at this cool toy Uncle Eric and Auntie Colleen bought me!!
While Elliot was busy playing with toys, I saw some things called tiaras. Auntie Nathalie put one on my head. This is what I think about that. I'm no princess!
Hi Mommy! Too bad I'm not looking at the camera. It's one of the rare pictures of Mommy.
Did I mention that I like Uncle Jon?
My parents took me to Carsland for a short time. I've never seen the movie Cars but I like the characters. Check out this tractor!!

It's TOWMATER!!! HI TOMATER!!! I was soo excited to see him that I couldn't look at the camera at all. I kept trying to touch him and stare at him, and I wanted to climb on him. Daddy had a hard time holding me still.
The next day was a lot more subdued. We went to Auntie Colleen and Uncle Eric's baby shower. Hi Grandpa!
This is me on the way home that night. It was cold so Mommy put the hood on. I wasn't too happy on the way home. I don't like being confined in my car seat, especially after I was held by all my uncles all week. We had to stop multiple times to either calm me down, soothe me, feed me, or change me. I guess I may be a princess after all.
We hope you enjoyed the long post. Sorry it's late. We were all recovering on Sunday, especially my parents.
Julia, you look mighty comfortable in the ergo. Come down more and you can get some more sleep time!
ReplyDeleteElliot, you can't like Uncle Jon and Calvin more than me! I got you the flashy, twirly, car-thing remember?! :) Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
What an exciting, tiring, hectic, fun, great, photo-filled week! Elliot, we had a blast at Autopia. Good job eating all the mac-n-cheese! And Julia, you were a good little happy princess the entire time! Such a good sleeper (when you are carried)!
ReplyDeleteElliot and Julia, we are so bummed we missed out on such a fun weekend. We need to plan this again (in a couple of years). Elliot, we all know that I'm your favorite uncle. We miss you!!