Sunday, August 29, 2010

7 Month Birthday! August 23rd-29th

I turned 7 months old this week!  Here I am with my monthly picture.

This week marked a new old routine for me. Mommy went back to work for the whole week and I had to reorganize myself at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  My naps are getting better and Grandma and Grandpa are really enjoying taking care of me.

Here I am in the crib.

Oops!  I fell over.  Well, Grandpa thinks I'm kowtowing. Even though you can't see it here, I'm sucking on my toes.  Hey, it's ok for me to be lazy.  I actually sit much better when the surface isn't so mushy.

See what I mean?  Nice and tall.

I like playing with the toys on my highchair.

On Saturday, we went to visit Auntie Jenne and Uncle Jeff.  They have a new baby named Ryan.  Hey, that's my Daddy's name!  He's about a month old.  Don't I look huge next to him?

Auntie Grace and Uncle Eddy were there too, with their new baby Lucas.  I don't have a picture with him (Mommy was too busy holding the new babies to remember to take one...and no, I'm not jealous), but here I am with Auntie Grace.

They had a scale so there was a "baby weigh-off."  I think I topped the contest at 18 lbs (I AM the oldest), though I'm not looking too happy here.

I did a good job there, as I was able to take a nap in Auntie Jenne and Uncle Jeff's really dark room.  I like it dark.

Saturday means bath time for me.

How U doin'?

Me sitting on my parents' bed.

Finally, a dinner with the family.  I'm munching on a teething biscuit.  It's the first time I'm trying this, but I like it.


  1. Elliot's becoming such a big boy. Love the naked baby and sitting in the crib smiling pictures! Too bad you didn't get a shot of Eddy/Grace's kid. It's funny how the volleyball community is becoming the parenting community. :)

  2. LOL at the pic of him sitting and then the face plop immediately following! So funny! I was just thinking "Wow! I didn't know he could sit up already" :)

    LOVE the bath pic. He's totally chillin' out in his hot tub, hahaha!

  3. Yeah we have a series of pictures with the 'how U doin?' look. He is leaps and bounds beyond just a month ago...
