Don't I look sweet with Auntie Jen?

Here's one with everyone but Ashley. She was sleeping.
Yay for you, Grandpa!

Back at home, my brother and my cousin Alyssa are squishing me!
The only one looking happy is Alyssa. I still can't master my smile.
Here I am with Great Uncle "Eight".
One with me too!
On the way down to Southern California, Mommy was trying to get me to nap. I don't think this is working, Mommy.
So, as the post says, we went to Disneyland again! Look at all of us with one of Elliot's favorite characters...Lightning McQueen!
Mommy rode on Autopia with me for the first time! We had a great time driving!

It was soo hot down there. But I'm still styling in Grandma's hat.
Hello there!
Sara and I became pretty good friends.
I really liked Uncle Ken too! It's the first time I've met him.
Uncle Calvin joined us in the afternoon.
Here's a picture of the dragon babies and our mommies.

We spent a day relaxing and catching up on much needed sleep.
But the next day, we were back at it.
Another day at the parks and I got to ride this caterpillar ride.
And then this bumper bug ride too.
Another picture of the dragon babies, but this time we're all fighting for Ashley's toy.
Guess who won this round? Yum!
One with our mommies.
And another with our daddies.
Here's one with the whole group. You can see Uncle Greg, Auntie Jen, Baby Xavier and Jackie next to Mommy.
One last picture on the way home with Auntie Jen.
We had a total blast the few days we were in Disneyland and California Adventure. We can't wait to go again. We miss all our cousins already!