Happy 9 months birthday to me! Here are my monthly pictures.

Last week Mommy finally let me play with a golf set that Uncle Michael bought be a couple of years ago. Well, really, it was Daddy who didn't want me to play with it. He was worried I'd smack everything in the house.
Piece of cake!
Although I like it, I don't use the toy as it was meant to be used. I push the golf cart around like it's a lawn mower, and I use the clubs as a leaf blower. Ah well.
Something special happened last Sunday. I was baptized! Thanks, Auntie Jen for loaning me Alyssa's baptismal gown!
Auntie Nat is my godmother, just like for Elliot. Uncle Mike and Auntie Jen are my godparents too, but they couldn't make it.
Here I am with Grandma!
And here's one with the rest of us.
I was getting sleepy.
Another one of me happy as a clam from later this week.
It was so hot this week. After bath, I took off my towels and ran around the house naked. Mommy made me cover up for this photo.
We went to eat dinner one night with Uncle Mike.
I also liked riding on my dump truck.
Mommy likes this picture of me. I looked soo happy. She loves my toes too!
Here are more pictures of me. Since it was warm, Mommy opened the window in my room. I liked looking out the window.
I'm on top of the world! Or at least, the table at dim sum.
Thanks for visiting, Uncle Mike. Next time please bring our cousins!
We hope you enjoyed this week's post!