Grandma has been taking me to the park nearly every day. I really like it.
Of course, Mommy had to give me the pigtails again.
Don't I look so sophisticated?
Me too! Mommy calls me a pretty boy. I think I'm just handsome, Mommy.
Look at what I'm beginning to do! I have to be sitting up though and close to the rail. Unlike Elliot, who was already able to get to a sitting position from his tummy at this same age, if I'm on my stomach, I turn over right away to my back, and then I'm stuck.
I felt like sumo-walking again. It has been a while.
I was imitating Mommy too. She frequently puts her hands on her hips when she's talking to me.
Recently, I've been more content to play on the mat. Now you know why.
Not really tasty, but it helps with my itchy gums.
You know what IS tasty? Watermelon. YUM!

I couldn't get enough of it.
If you look carefully, you'll see the slippers I made at school. They have wiggly eyes all over them.
Alex and I had an impromptu play date on Saturday. Auntie Monnette and Alex came over to drop off daddy's sunglasses and to borrow my tux. We had a lot of fun playing with all my diggers.
Look at me! I'm sitting in Elliot's chair! Mommy likes feeding me in this because then she doesn't worry about me falling over. And I get to bang on the tray too!
We hope you enjoyed this week's post!