As the title says, Julia is 14 months old. But first, check me out in this box.
This time I'm trying on Daddy's shoes. I tend to do that with my parents' shoes.
Since we had warm weather, I got to play outside in our water table for the first time! I really liked it.
I like to share. Want this?
Oops! Now I'm really all wet!

I like helping Julia learn how to walk. Aren't I a great big brother?
I've been wanting to use utensils lately, so Mommy let me feed myself yogurt. Yummy. What do you mean it's not supposed to be on my face? I'm saving it for later!

Look at me! Mommy bought me these chopsticks! I'm really good at picking up grapes!
More outside fun another day.
Coming home from school one day, I was just relaxing in my seat.
With all of Elliot's help, look at what I'm doing now!
I am too cool for school.
Speaking of school, here I am wearing plastic princess shoes. You can't really tell though.
We went fruit picking!!! Where? At Grandma and Grandpa's house. This is neat! I've never done that before.
Grandma is helping me pick a pear.
I can just barely reach it!
Here I am picking an apple with Grandma's help.
Look at what I got, Mommy!
I like walking around with my lovey on my head.
Hmmm...this is a new challenge for me.
I'll never get this. Never! Just kidding. I did manage to go halfway up the big staircase with Mommy behind me. She just thought this was a funny picture.
We celebrated Grandma's Chinese birthday. Good thing too because she'll be in Hong Kong for her real birthday so we'll miss her.
Alyssa and Ashley came to visit with Auntie Jen. Here we are laughing because our parents were making funny faces at us so that we'll smile.
Yes, you guys are funny, but I don't like sitting still anymore. I'm outta here.
Hrumph...Mommy put me back on the couch for more pictures.
Ok, we must take one with our grandparents. Too bad Elliot isn't smiling. This really is the best one out of all the pictures we have.
We hope you enjoyed our post! Until next time.