I'm 10 weeks old and look at me smiling! Everyone says I look a lot like Elliot at this age. I don't know. I think I'm cuter.

It was Grandma's birthday this week! Happy birthday! I was super excited I could eat cake.
Elliot, what's cake?
Mommy wanted a picture of my lashes again. She thinks they're getting really long!
Here I am after a bath. I like my baths!
We had a lot of visitors this weekend for my Red Egg and Ginger party. Here I am with Great Uncle Richard. It's the first time we've met!

I'm in this picture too! Great Auntie Susanna, Uncle Jon (Funny), Uncle Eric, Auntie Colleen, and Great Uncle Richard all came up for the party! How fun!
Auntie Colleen is going to have a baby boy in January! Yay! Another cousin to play with!
Uncle Jon is holding me here. Elliot really likes him. I think I do too!

I need to pump milk for Julia. Uncle Jon bought me this car toy that I need to pump in order for it to move, but I'm clearly finding other uses for it.
Great Auntie Susanna bought me this outfit. Hai Yah!

We also had a birthday dinner for Grandma that night.

I got to help blow out some candles!
I like making funny faces!
Like my bunny shirt? Too bad I was making such a funny face.
Look how pretty I am! This is the dress that Great Auntie Veronica bought me. I'm ready for the party.
I like it when I'm upside down! Uncle Calvin and Uncle Warren are a lot of fun!
Here I am with Auntie Melissa and Zach. Zach was really smitten with me. But who can blame him? I'm so cute!
He's my buddy too!
We played a lot at dinner together.
Avery, Zach's sister, joined us too!
Here I am with Great Auntie Leona, and some family friends of my grandma...Uncle Jonathan, Great Auntie Amy, and Great Uncle Geoffrey.
Auntie Rita and Uncle Jim are meeting me for the first time too!
And here is Alyssa's Grandma Lizzy! I was getting sleepy though.
I want to be funny just like Uncle Jon!
The next day, I thought I'd try on this hat that Auntie Rita made for Julia. Mommy said that if it fits me now, then it'll be a while before it'll fit Julia. I'm not sure what she's implying here.
Great Auntie Leona was playing with my feet. I was smiling a lot with her.
What a whirlwind weekend! So many guests! Not enough pictures. I may put up more next week, as Great Uncle Richard took lots of pictures. Thanks, Mommy and Daddy, and Grandma and Grandpa for the party! I was very awake and aware for most of the evening and it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of everyone!