Happy One Month Birthday to me!!! Apparently, my parents started this tradition with Elliot a little later, but here's my monthly picture. Do you like my hair clip? Mommy made it for me. Daddy tried to put it on the side of my head, but I didn't have enough hair there, so that's why it's in the middle of my head.
The Sunday after Mommy and Daddy's anniversary was spent at Auntie Mar and Uncle Gordon's place. Here they are holding me.
I wasn't too happy to take this photo.
I was MORE than happy to be playing with Kaylee and Kenzie's stroller though!
This was me around a week old taking a bath.
Here I am this week. I think I filled out some. And I definitely enjoy my baths now.

I'm doing tummy time with Julia. It's kinda fun!
Mommy wanted a picture of me with my eyes open. She thinks I'm such a handsome boy in this picture.
Uncle Todd came to visit us this week too! He's Uncle Kenny's older brother. It was nice to meet him!
After a long hard day of eating, pooping, and sleeping, I fell asleep in Auntie Nathalie's arms. Apparently, while she was rocking me to sleep, she ended up rocking herself to sleep too.
Great Auntie Leona and Great Uncle Paul are here again! They wanted to meet Julia.

They gave me some chocolate Pocky sticks to eat. It ended up all over my face, but it sure was yummy.
Mommy and Grandma were trying out some hand-me-down head bands with me. I think I look pretty gangsta. Yo yo YO!
After I woke up from napping, Daddy picked me up and I rewarded him with a series of big smiles. I am definitely interacting more with my family, frequently smiling at them and sometimes cooing too.
Here I am in real-time. My first blog video!!

Auntie Kristine, Uncle Tony, and baby Milo came to visit. I'm so big compared to the other two kids. They bought me a construction site book and I really like it. Thanks auntie and uncle!
This is what my parents resort to in order to get me to finish the rest of my meal. Really though, it's the first time they've done this, but it's fun. Maybe I can keep getting them to do this.
Well, I had my one month check-up this week. I now weigh 10.1 lbs (80th percentile), am 22" long (almost 90th percentile), and have a head circumference of 38.5cm (85th percentile). Looks like I'm growing pretty well. See you next week!