One of the things we did since the last posting was go to Pier 39. It was Grandma's idea for us to go see the sea lions. They're behind us in this picture, but I did get to see and hear them.
At home, I still like playing with bubbles, this time with Daddy!
Avery was borrowing my old car seat for some time, but we got it back so we can use it for the new baby when it comes. I think I may just keep this instead of letting the baby use it.
I had my first swim lesson of the season. It's indoors this time, so hopefully I won't be as cold. This time I get to go with Daddy and I really enjoyed it!
Look at the smile on my face!
We never did THIS at the other swim lesson last year. It was cool.
I'm also good at singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider".
Mommy let me play with her guitar. I didn't even know she had one! All this time she had been hiding it until the other day when she took it out so I can play with it. I REALLY liked it, and didn't want her to put it away.
We missed the fireworks for July 4th, as I ended up with a fever. I also missed daycare the rest of the week. But during the weekend, since I was feeling better, my parents took me to Lemos Farm again. I haven't been there since October.
I still like riding on this coin operated train. I had to do it twice, and even then, I didn't want to get off.
I also got to ride on the pony again, though I only went when Daddy said he'd come with me.
And of course, who can resist a BIG tractor??
Or a digger? This was harder to manage, and Daddy had to help me figure out how to move the arm so that it scoops up the gravel.
I really enjoyed my time there, and as you can tell, I like relaxing in my car seat too.
What's that on my head, you ask? Oh, just my underwear. But Daddy was the one who put it there.
I like helping around the house. Except now, the dustpan is my big bulldozer.
Another weekend my parents took me to the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo. Mommy has never been there before, but I went once with Daddy and my friend Vivi. I liked riding on the animals.
Here's a picture of me last September or so on the lion, and here I am now. Do I look bigger?
I also like petting them. They don't move away from me when I come, which is nice.
Next to the museum is a park, and I went down some slides. It was so fun!
After that trip, we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. I got to drive Grandpa's car!
I think he was a little offended that I called his car a Toyota. Sorry, Grandpa. I'm still learning!
Do you see the other man on the yellow part? I bet you he was scared I'd somehow figure out how to turn it on and move him around.
Maybe I should work at Costco. I was helping out in the tire center too.
Great Auntie Susanna came to visit me. She was in town for work, and made a point to see me before she had to leave the next morning. I was so enamored with her, I was willing to leave with her and my grandparents to go out WITHOUT either of my parents! But in the end, Grandma made Daddy come with us in case I started getting antsy, which I did, since it was waaay passed my bedtime.