Mommy forgot to post this picture last month, but when we were at Meagan's house, I was all about playing with her car. I'm leaving Lucas in the dust right now.
Here I am hiding in a dinosaur egg. Peek-a-boo.
And yes, I'm smiling like this again.
Great Uncle Paul and Great Auntie Leona were here for a visit too.
Snuggle time with Mommy!
I was introduced to bubble wrap by Daddy. It was loads of fun!
Me being silly with my silly smile.
I LOVE playing with my tunnel, and Daddy and I found a new way to play with it.
Mommy and Daddy took me to the park by our house one weekend. The neighborhood kids were nice and let me play with their football. I really liked it. I didn't want to let it go, even when I went on the swings.
Mommy is finally off of work! I'll be spending more time with her (hence, all the great pictures), though I'll also (apparently) still be going to daycare too. But her first day off, we went to see Alex! He has a new baby brother Aidan, though I was more interested in Alex and his toys.
Me with my smile again.
Daddy and I are a bit engrossed by what was on TV.
Here's a picture of me walking Rocky. I think it's the only one we have of the two of us.
I think this might be too big for me.
It was super hot Father's Day weekend, so my parents let me play with the water table. I love playing with that.
Grandma and Mommy took me to San Francisco on a Monday. What was special about that was that it was my first BART ride. I was SO excited about that.
And apparently in San Francisco, there are these things called cable cars, and I got to take pictures in one of them.
Ooh! A bin to play in!
It was Grandpa's birthday on Sunday. Happy birthday, Grandpa! I helped him blow out the candles.
This month has been full of visitors and activities. It was very eventful. As a closing comment, I wanted to let you know that Rocky is no longer with us. Mommy said he went to a place called doggy heaven. I'm not sure I understand it, since I do call out for him still once in a while. But here's a picture of him (from Auntie Rita) before I met him. He was a great dog. We will miss him.