Like my new jammies? Mommy bought this for me a while ago, and we had some chillier nights earlier this month, so I wore these. So fancy and grown up looking.
Alyssa came to visit again. I was really into this new truck that our grandparents got, so I wasn't paying much attention to her at this point. But we were initially both super excited when we first saw each other. She had a big smile when she saw me and said "HI!" and started running towards me. What can I say? I'm popular.
Mommy made me a papaya, strawberry, and yogurt smoothie. I really liked it. Like my mustache?
Finally, me relaxing on a blanket at daycare. We had a family day picnic that day, though Daddy couldn't come. If I find a picture of me and Mommy, I'll post one next time.
Things are just chugging along. I'm pretty good with the potty training at home (other than nap time and bed time). I tell my parents when I need to use the potty. I still haven't done that consistently at school yet though. I've also had rougher mornings, when I hit and push my friends. Mommy and Daddy have to remind me everyday not to hit or push anyone. I still forget though. My parents hope it's just a phase.
I'm also sleeping in a big boy bed now. My parents bought me a twin size mattress and I really like it. They've been saying, "so far so good," though I don't know what could possibly be a problem with me sleeping on a bed that I can climb in and out of. Anyone?