So although it's nearing the end of November, I still have some Halloween pictures and the end of October event pictures to show you.
We went to Uncle Marc, Auntie Terry, and Meagan's house the Sunday before Halloween. Ooh, a soccer ball.
I also figured out how to play the tambourine.
Here I am when I finally saw her. I was soo happy to see her. I didn't want her to leave, so Mommy had to walk the parade with me.
I don't know what trick-or-treating is all about, but it was interesting watching all the people.
Look! I can actually fit in the sweater Mommy knitted me a while back. I think I'm pretty good looking, if I do say so myself.
Here I am cruising in the car that Great Auntie Leona and Great Uncle Paul bought me.
At daycare, we had an early Thanksgiving feast. Like my hat?
Happy early Thanksgiving!
Mommy wanted to take a video of me eating one of my favorite foods...noodles.
Look at my tent! Apparently, my parents bought it for me a while ago, but just took it out recently. It's soo much fun!
First off, how do you like my new 'do? Second of all, look at what Grandma let me eat! Yum!
She had to help me first, but I soon figured out how to do it on my own.
Check me out!
So Daddy let me eat some of his, which didn't help when he finally took it away again.
I know there have been pictures of me doing this before, but videos really are much better. Mommy saw me doing this around the island and had to catch me.
On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we went to the San Jose Children's Discovery Museum. We've never been there before but I sure did have a lot of fun.
Who can resist THIS firefighter?
I was trying to play peek-a-boo with a stranger (while we were in an ambulance), but he never looked at me.
Then I found this water activity. Mommy knew I'd love it, so she grabbed a water proof smock and suited me up. Had she known about this, she would've brought me extra clothes because I still got pretty wet.
This was so cool...when I put the ball in the tube, it shot the ball up.
I also got to climb this Chinese dragon.
Daddy and I were reading together.
I didn't want to leave, and I threw a pretty good tantrum, but my parents knew I was tired and hungry. So on the way home, after drinking some milk, I fell asleep. Mommy kept laughing because I could barely keep my eyes open. I guess my parents know me well.
On Thanksgiving day, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I got to play a lot with Great Auntie Leona and Great Uncle Paul. They are so fun!
I played so much, I threw up a little. It probably had a little to do with the fact that I was riding a horse.
It's all ok though. I was happy and it's all fun! I'm thankful for my Mommy and Daddy, grandparents, aunties and uncles, and all my extended family. Happy Turkey Day everyone!