Uh oh. I got caught doing what apparently, has become one of my favorite things to do..pull all the DVDs down. I started with the bottom two shelves, but now I can even reach the 4th shelf from the bottom. Mommy makes me pick them up and put them back, but many times, she just does it for me.
This is one of the cool exhibits they have. I love playing with water, so I was soooo happy here. My sleeves were soaked by the time Mommy pulled me away.
I've been giving Mommy a hard time with eating since she's been off work. I guess I'm showing my independence. Here I am reacting to Mommy's ultimatum of eating one more spoonful of food. I don't look happy, but just to let you know, I won that match.
July 4th weekend was super warm. We went to the park and I was enjoying my ride on Daddy.
I started enjoying the slide too.
Because it was so hot, my parents took out this water table toy for me to play with. IT WAS AWESOME!!! Uncle Kenny was playing with me.
I had a lot of fun with Uncle Kenny. He made me laugh a lot.
Mommy really loves my feet and toes. She says they're really cute so she took pictures of them. She calls them "button toes". I don't have buttons for toes, Mommy. I don't know what the deal is, but whatever.
That night I watched fireworks! I was so entranced. We were right below them. And I wasn't even scared! I guess that's what July 4th is about.
My gums are itchy...Mommy thinks my molars are coming out. They sure are taking a long time. But, I found a way to soothe them. My old teething toy vibrates when I bite down. But now I can do it without holding on to it.
Oh, and another picture of me with yogurt. I am still trying to learn how to use a spoon, but I find that smearing my hand in the bowl and licking my fingers is a quicker way for me to eat the yogurt.
Check this out.
My cousin Alyssa was in town again. I don't mind sharing toys with her.
I know I mentioned I liked things with wheels. Now I like to roll them on the couch because I can see the wheels better.
Oh, in case you were wondering about the headband... Well, I still fall some times, and because my head is so heavy, even when I catch myself with my hands, I still end up bonking my forehead on the pavement. I've gotten quite a few bruises and welts, so my folks are trying this out to see if it'll save me a few bumps. We'll see. Mommy says I look like a Japanese boy. Auntie Nathalie mentioned something about getting her some sushi. I don't know what that means.
I had another playdate with Alex. He came over and we played with my water table.
We both were pretty soaked...mainly because Mommy sprayed us with the hose. Alex liked it. I wasn't too sure about the hose.
Mommy took another picture of me sleeping, mainly because I was cute (so she thinks) holding my doggy. Can't I get a little privacy???
We had lunch with Uncle Mike, Auntie Jen, and Alyssa before they left. What's Daddy doing to my head?
Look at all the bubbles!!! I ask to play with them nearly every day. I haven't quite figured out how to blow them yet, but I love popping them.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this month's entry. I have my 18 month check-up on Wednesday, so we'll see what my new measurements are.