Sunday, October 31, 2010

9 Month Birthday and Halloween! October 25th-31st

I'm 9 months old this week!  Can you believe that?? Here I am for my monthly pictures. I'm not super happy about it at all.

 This is what I think of your paper, Mommy.
Grandma also came home this week!  Yay!  I missed her, although me and Grandpa were good to each other this week.  I've been giving everyone a harder time during my naps.  Like last weekend, any time someone puts me into the crib to sleep, I automatically get up and pull to a stand and bounce.  It's making it difficult for my parents and grandparents to get me to nap.  I think they might have to resort to holding me in their arms so I can fall asleep there first, or they have to nap with me.  Muhahaha!  Little did they know that THAT'S what my plan was all along!

I mentioned a few posts ago that I was cutting my first tooth.  Well, unlike most babies who get one or two bottom teeth first, I decided to buck the trend and am growing three teeth in at the same time!

Here I am eating a Gerber puff star.  Not the smoothest moves, but I'm getting there.

I got a new hat!  Mommy is trying to exercise, so she bundles me up when she jogs.

On Friday, I went to work with Mommy.  They have a Halloween parade at one of her schools, so Mommy dressed me up. Grandpa was nice enough to come get me after the parade was over so Mommy could work.

Here I am with Auntie Natalie, Auntie Jackie, and Auntie Amy.

Mommy said I did really well because I didn't cry at all...even when all these people came up to me to poke my cheeks or say hi.  I was really entranced by all the kids.

Saturday I went to visit my buddy Alex.  Here's Uncle Brian holding both of us.

We were chatting up a storm too.  Our parents don't know what we're saying.  It's our secret language.

On Sunday we had brunch with Grandma and Grandpa.  I was happy to be eating.  My grandparents said I look just like Daddy when I smile.  Something about smaller eyes or something like that.  Mommy's bummed I don't look more like her.

Since it's costume time, that means it's my first Halloween!  We went to the Hillsdale mall to check out what trick or treating events were over there.  There were lots of people, but here are the two most important people in my life.

Finally, I'm getting really good at pulling up on the side of the couch.  Oops!  Mommy caught me again!
I'm not totally crawling yet, but I am doing something Mommy calls a "Quasimoto" crawl.  I'd lean forward onto my hands, plant my right foot under me, push up on that leg so my butt is in the air, and drag my left leg (still bent under my butt) forward.  I haven't yet figured out how to get my left foot planted.  Maybe Mommy can get a video next time.

Let's see what happens next week.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 39 October 18th-24th

Last week I forgot to mention that I started lunging after the toys.  It's a big deal because typically I just rock on my legs and maybe turn away to look at another toy.  I still do that (when I'm lazy about trying to get the toy), but at least now I know I can get it.

I behaved pretty well this first week with Grandpa.  I had a moment or two when I didn't want to nap, or when I took a short nap, but overall we both did well.  Yay for me and my buddy Grandpa!

I'm a bit more mobile now. I pivot on my hands and scoot my bottom over.  That's how I ended up on the corner of this blanket...all the toys were in the basket but not anymore.

I've also been practicing eating with my fingers.  How do I get this from my hand to my mouth?

Mommy bought me this shirt.  She does call me pumpkin some times.  Mommy thinks I kind of look like her when she was younger in this picture.
Daddy decided to play hair stylist.

I'm getting really good at pulling up in my crib.  Whenever my parents put me down for a nap, I immediately roll over, sit up, and pull myself to a stand. 

Oh-oh.  I got caught playing with the mobile when I was supposed to be napping.

I'm looking for the next opportunity to get up.
Not only am I good at pulling up, I'm feeling brave and I can multi-task now.  I haven't quite mastered how to get down yet though.

What are YOU looking at?

Finally, Daddy was playing peek-a-boo with me and the burp cloth.

Mommy realized that at the end of this week, I've been outside in the real world longer than I was housed in the watery world of Mommy's tummy.  How quickly time has flown.  Until next week.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 38 October 11th-17th

This week was special.  It started off with Grandma's birthday and towards the end of the week, it was Mommy's birthday!  Here I am with Grandma and her birthday cake.

She wanted me to blow out the candles with her.  I've never seen candles before so I didn't know what to do.

The day Mommy had off, we went to a pumpkin patch with Daddy (he took the day off!), Auntie Monnette, and Alex.  We were supposed to go to Half Moon Bay, but there was a lot of traffic so we turned around and went to a local patch instead.

Like our costumes?  Alex is supposed to be the boy from the book "Where the Wild Things Are."  Auntie Monnette made little claws and knitted his tail.  Cool, huh?  You'll probably be seeing me in this costume for a least until something called Halloween comes.

My gums are itching so I'm going for the zipper here.

I'm beginning to understand "hi" and "bye".  After Daddy or Mommy waves my hand, I do it by myself some times in response.  I even open and close my hands a little.

I get to eat Ritz crackers!  Man, are they yummy.  I totally reach for them when Grandma or Mommy shows them to me.

I'm growing out of this bouncy chair.

Friday night we had dinner for Mommy's birthday.

Here I am pissed off that Mommy wanted to take a picture of me in this outfit.  This was right before I launched myself head first off the couch while Mommy was adjusting the camera.  Mommy was quick and caught me right before I hit the ground.  Daddy was stunned that I almost hurt myself (and that Mommy wasn't paying attention).

 On Saturday, we went to Meagan's red egg and ginger party.  Mommy and Daddy were impressed that I didn't cry with all those new people there.  Here I am with the guest of honor.
Ooh, a strap to try to eat.
Me and Uncle Darren.  I was just closing my eyes here.

Oh, and the elusive Uncle Eddy (he's Lucas's daddy). and Lucas.  I like his ear.

This is the picture Mommy got right before I smacked Lucas in the head.  Sorry Lucas!  Both Auntie Grace and Daddy were surprised.  I REALLY don't have it out for Lucas, truly I don't.

On Sunday, my folks had a BBQ get-together to celebrate Mommy's birthday with friends that they haven't seen in a while.  Here I am with Uncle Phil.  Last time he saw me, I think I was 4 months old.  He's going to be a daddy next year!  Congratulations!

Here's Uncle Stephen and me.  Maybe he can teach me how to snowboard when I get bigger.
So a couple of stories...I've been rolling over from my back to my stomach a few times, but I've never shown my parents.  They'd just find me sitting up some times after they last left me lying on my back.  Well I finally decided to show them today.  And yes, I am complaining about it.

An hour after my parents put me to bed the other night, I started crying.  When Daddy came in to check, I was standing up holding onto the crib rail and crying.  I guess I couldn't get back down. 

Later that night, they came in to check on me again and found me in this position.  It's a dark picture because they didn't want to wake me up.
Apparently, some time during the night, I had rolled onto my stomach, sat up, but fell back asleep like a taco.  My parents were laughing at me.  Sigh.

Grandma left on Thursday to go to Hong Kong to visit Great Grandma for two weeks!  I'm going to miss her (and I hope Great Grandma is feeling better)!  That also means Grandpa is taking care of me all by himself!  Oh-oh. I hope I behave well for him.  I will keep you informed on my behavior.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 37 October 4th-10th

 Hello again.  This week was pretty low key, but we did have some visitors!

I found a new place to sit!  I get to see through the bars to look at Grandma, yet still be able to turn around to look at other things.  Of course Mommy is bracing me here...I still fall backward some times.

Hello Mommy.

 Check out my messy hair.  This is what I look like after struggling to get up from my tummy to a sitting position.  I told you it was hard work.

Now that I'm teething, I'm looking to bite more things.  Daddy called me an anteater here.  I don't know what ants are though.


I really enjoy bath time.

I'm also getting better at pulling to a stand.  At my house, Daddy lowered my bed, so I can't reach the top of the rail, but at Grandma and Grandpa's...

We had dinner with Auntie Nathalie on Friday.

After dinner, we went to Diddams and Mommy put these hats on me.  I'm not sure I'm ok with them.

Mommy bought me some balls to play with from Diddams.  I've got three here in my crib.

On Saturday, Great Uncle Tom, Great Auntie Chivvy, Auntie Tara, and her new baby sister Chelsea came to visit. Can you believe that baby is my aunt??

 Me and Auntie Tara. She's a really good sharer.
Here's a picture of me and Mommy.
And a family shot.  We match with all the brown!
I figured out that biting this teething toy makes it vibrate.  Now that I'm biting harder, it's a lot of fun.

Sunday was nice. We just hung out at home.  It was such a nice day out that we sat in our front yard.

I'm trying to get the ball here.  Notice I'm pulling the blanket toward me?  I may not want to crawl, but I DO know how to use my environment to my advantage.

 Mommy has the day off tomorrow (Columbus Day).  Maybe we'll go somewhere fun!