Mommy had to go back to work this week. It was really rough for her on Tuesday. She was sad and I think she even got teary-eyed when she left. She also got teary-eyed when she was talking about me at work. It's hard for her to leave me in the mornings, especially since I'm smiling purposefully back at her now. I'm even beginning to coo and talk back to my parents when they talk to me.
So Grandma has been taking care of me while Mommy is at work. She's also been giving me grades for my behavior. My first day with her (Tuesday), I got an "A" for feeding, an "AA" for my behavior before 2pm, and an "F" for my behavior after 2pm. What is up with that??? I think she's grading too hard. How can I go from an "A" to an "F"??? The rest of the week I did much better. Either that, or Grandma lowered her standards.
I'm much more aware of my surroundings and am beginning to look at the mobile above my bassinet or when I'm in the swing. I like watching them move. I guess I used to just look off to the side instead of above my head. I'm also willing to be placed in the bassinet for a short time now without fussing (while I'm awake) so that Mommy and Daddy can get ready for work or do some task. They can't take too much time though. I'd rather be held. If not, I'll let them know LOUDLY that I'm not happy. Got to make sure I advocate for myself, you know.
So we celebrated my 2 month birthday by having dinner on Saturday with a lot of family and a small group of friends. I feel really special because I had family from New York, Hong Kong, and Singapore come over, as well as the local family from California. I am the MAN! What can I say? It's good to be the first born grandchild of the family. I get all the special treatment, as it should be. :)
Once we got to the restaurant, the paparazzi followed me everywhere. I was carried by alot of people I knew and alot more that I didn't know until then. Between all my great-aunts and great-uncles and all of my newly dubbed uncles (Mommy's cousins), I don't think Mommy or Daddy held me for half the night. It was a bit overwhelming though, and I started to fall apart in the middle of dinner. Hey! I was probably passed around between 40-50 people that night. I ended up sleeping in the car seat to recover a bit, which was good. I think I did pretty well considering all the stimuli that was at the restaurant. My great uncles Allan and Richard took a lot of pictures, but we don't have any of them yet. But here is a picture of me and Mommy's cousins (minus my Uncle Mike, who seems to have been cut out from the picture), and a picture of me and Daddy's cousins. If Mommy gets those pictures from great uncles Allen and Richard, she may post some here later.
I didn't get a chance to take pictures with everyone who came to the party, but here are pictures of Auntie Rita and Auntie Oanh holding me.
This one was taken at the end of the night, when we were all getting ready to leave. We were all tired, but I looked wiped out.
The next day we had brunch with family who was still in town. Great Uncle Zadig was leaving that afternoon on a plane trip back to Singapore. He was running late, but he still wanted to hold me one last time before he left.
Great Uncle Zadig's twin boys also held me the next day when they came to visit again before leaving for New York. Uncles James and Charles are really cool. They even play volleyball like Mommy.
Overall, this weekend was a lot of fun. I met a lot of family I didn't know I had, and I saw some friends. I was really beat. Here's a picture of me sleeping while laying down and standing at the same time. It takes some serious skills to do this. Until next time.